Children’s Vision is our speciality

Every parent wants the best for their children. If your child is under achieving in the classroom, has difficulty with reading or has been diagnosed through the school nurse with a lazy eye we are only a phone call away.

Help your child reach their full potential by having their eyes thoroughly examined by a specialist behavioural optometrist.

Donald is an expert in the field of children’s vision and how it relates to reading and learning.

He uses highly specialised equipment not seen in most other practises.

Services we offer

Free Spectacles

Donald Klaassen is a registered prescriber with Enable New Zealand allowing him to supply children who are on a Community Services Card or High Health User Card with subsidised spectacles. In most cases we are able to provide an eye exam and spectacles to these children FREE OF CHARGE.

Visagraph technology

The practise utilises the latest technology in assessing eye movement control. Specialist computerised eye tracking technology allows Donald to assess the accurate control and direction of the eyes whilst reading often pointing to specific areas where specialist intervention and remedial exercises may benefit reading fluency.
More here

CAM vision stimulator

Developed as an active therapy to improve “Lazy Eye” this technology is available at the practise. It stimulates retinal cells with an attempt to improve their functional performance.

Mears Irlen Syndrome

An accredited Irlen Screener, the use of coloured overlays to improve reading efficiency and reduce background “noise”. We are able to conduct this screening as part of our paediatric service. It has shown to make significant improvements in reading fluency and may be part of the solution for dyslexic individuals.

Dyslexia Screening

The Dyslexia Determination Test promoted by the American based Optometric Extension Program is available through the practise. As well as offering a screening tool for dyslexia it may also indicate the various dyslexia sub-types.

Eye Exercises

Donald has compiled an extensive and detailed book of eye exercises to assist children with reading and learning difficulties and can tailor a specific exercise course for your child. This is a culmination of work that has arisen after 10 years of working with autistic children and children with learning difficulties.